Supervised Online Training Worldwide 2025 with David Eastoe (Petaltone Creator)
We have a selection of Training Courses available to suit your needs and level of experience from beginner to advanced. Learn useful skills or become a Petaltone Practitioner. We can also offer courses tailored to your personal levels of experience! Full details on request.
Petaltone Practitioner Professional Training Levels 1 - 4 become a Petaltone Practitioner or add to your existing therapy skills.
Petaltone Guide Course : learn aura protection and space and aura clearing, how to create a safe treatment space for you and your clients
Petaltone Shamanism Course Online - Unique energy work system that can enhance any existing studied modality
Secrets of the Singing Bowls Course Online - Effective Sound Healing in a unique, effective and structured way.
Courses for all from beginners to advanced. Details of advanced courses sent on request. All online courses taken at your own pace (and include your detailed written feedback including case studies) and are supervised by David Eastoe Petaltone Founder. Email us for an application form.
Supervised Practitioner Worldwide Online Course 2023-25
The 2023-25 Practitioner Courses are designed to train in use of Petaltones to a professional level. Suitable for those who wish to add to or develop a client treatment based practice. Having completed Level 1 Modules 1+2 you will be able to offer Petaltone Treatments. Whether you are an experienced Practitioner of other Modalities or a complete beginner, the Online Course offers a firm grounding in the practical application and understanding of Petaltone Essences. Our system of treatment is unique, and we aim to maintain a high standard of Training at all levels of this work. We do start with the most basic techniques, then work into deeper levels.
Petaltone Practitioner Level One
Training is conducted via email and personally tutored by Petaltone Founder David Eastoe who has evolved Petaltones over the last 31 years. It involves your written feedback and detailed case histories. A certificate of completion is available at conclusion.The Level 1 Course is Structured as 2 Foundation modules based upon the Petaltone 21 Set and and covering the essentials. Having completed this you can coninue studies with Level 2.
Online Course Fees: Level 1 Practitioner Course Modules 1+2 £145
Payment online or phone via credit/debit card or Paypal, or via £GBP cheque or Postal Order.
Special 21 Set Discount : UK Course Students can purchase 21 Set inc p+p in UK for £115 (pendulums no longer supplied)
Ongoing Practitioner levels 2 - 4 details on request
Petaltone Guide Course
Overview: As more people begin to open up their energies and chakras, they become more sensitive to energies in their environments. It is important to learn how to manage your energy field, to protect yourself from negative energies. (We use this term to refer to energies that are low frequency, unhelpful, harmful, dis-eased etc)
Energies in the home
Energies in public places
Energies in treatment rooms
Energies in crystals
Energies of clients
Energies held in the land /Earth
We will be using these essences: Crystal Clear, Crystal Charge, Astral Clear, Power Shield, Z14, HG Rosea, Spirit Ground, Leaf 1, Leaf 2. (9 essences in total)
Once you have completed this course you will be able to teach this to other people and pass on this really helpful information.
The course fees :
Course + 30mls 9 essence set £124 inc p+p UK
Course + 15mls 9 essence set £99.99 inc p+p UK
Course + 10mls 9 essence set. £79.99
available from we can ship most places
Petaltone Guide Level 2 Advanced : details on request
please email your interest This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Petaltone Shamanism - Training Course Online (and also available for small groups in SW UK)
In 1999 on the island of Hawaii I was making essences when a series of events led me to create the Petaltone Plant Ally (PPA), and since that time I have been learning how to use this amazing Shamanic Plant Essence. This Course is one way I can share this with you, so that you can also benefit, and discover how PPA can be used to enhance your own personal energy work and connections, and may also open up a whole new world of possibilities! David Eastoe 2023
Learn how to use this simple but effective form of Plant Spirit Shamanism to enhance any energy work. Learn basic Shamanics and/or enhance your current knowledge.
Course will include a 30ml Mother Essence bottle of Petaltone Plant Ally so that you can make up your own PPA to work with ongoing. Course involves written feedback notes and will be Tutored by David Eastoe, Petaltone Founder. (The SW UK small group courses are charged at a different rate and include learning to make your own Plant Spirit essences).
Course Fee £200 includes the Mother Essence and postage of this in the UK Outside UK add £5.00 shipping
short video demo of PPA
Application Form on Request This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
'Secrets of the Singing Bowl' - unique methods you won't find anywhere else
Sound Healing with Singing Bowls
An Esoteric Course by David Eastoe a Sound and Music healing therapist with extensive experience and research revealing unique methods
This Online Course is a special one, revealing previously unreleased material and is available only to Practitioners who have some good solid years of experience and have preferably had Training in some form of structured Healing or Therapy, or perhaps have already been working with Sound for some years and want to learn some more about the deeper aspects of it.
I carried out many years of research into the use of Sound in Healing and Therapy before the Petaltone days, and successfuly ran healing Groups and Workshops with Sound in several countries, from Nederlands to Hawaii ! I also ran a recording studio specialising in Healing Sounds and music. I have recently been guided to make some of my knowledge in this area available to suitable students.
The Course is not expensive, contains written material and a couple of short videos, with your detailed written feedback notes. I will be your suoervisor and mentor for this Course which aims to establish safe Sound Healing methods.
please email for details
Online Courses taken at your own pace with written feedback and mentored by David Eastoe, Petaltone Founder. Workshop Classes run by David Eastoe and Helen Guild.